Although the thought of a scam targeting your finances can be unsettling, there are numerous strategies to safeguard yourself. Identifying potential scams involves recognizing certain red flags. Scams frequently involve individuals posing as representatives of official entities, including government agencies. It is crucial to be vigilant for deceptive tactics and to be cautious when receiving unsolicited communications from alleged authorities or known entities. Here are four signs that it’s a scam.

  1. Scammers PRETEND to be from an organization
  2. Scammers say there’s a PROBLEM or a PRIZE.
  3. Scammers PRESSURE you to act immediately.
  4. Scammers tell you to PAY in a specific way.

Avoiding a scam requires vigilance and a cautious approach to online and offline interactions. The good news is just a few proactive habits can help you safeguard your finances.

  • Block unwanted calls and text messages.
  • Don’t give your personal or financial information in response to a request that you didn’t expect.
  • Resist the pressure to act immediately.
  • Know how scammers tell you to pay.
  • Stop and talk to someone you trust.

Understanding the warning signs is crucial as it empowers you to safeguard your finances. If you’re uncertain about the legitimacy of the call, text, or email, please reach out to use directly at (413) 592-9495 or via email at