Disclosures can be provided in electronic form for the deposit account(s) you have selected to be opened online. Before obtaining products or services electronically, you must read and indicate your acceptance of the terms outlined below. If you do not consent, you will not be able to proceed with the online account opening process. You may contact us at any PNCU Location to open a new account.
Polish National Credit Union Contact Information:
Polish National Credit Union
Online Account Opening
P.O. Box 327
Chicopee, MA 01021
Account Agreements and Disclosures
Clicking below constitutes my having read and my agreement to conform to the terms and conditions of the disclosures provided to me on with this application. I may also obtain a copy of these disclosures at any branch office or by emailing onlineacctopening@pncu.com. I authorize you to gather and exchange whatever credit, checking account and employment information you consider appropriate from time to time and understand you may make credit or other decisions based in part on this information.
Links to Applicable Disclosures
Free Statement Savings Account Truth-in-Savings Disclosure
Free Schedule
Terms and Conditions
Privacy Notice
E-Sign Disclosure
I, meaning any and all who are applying for primary or joint ownership of this account, understand that my account will be governed by the terms and conditions contained in the disclosures displayed above which I have read.
Please review each of the disclosures above. Clicking the “Accept” button below constitutes: that I agree to these terms and conditions that I agree with the additional certifications contained above. Further, my clicking the “Accept” button constitutes, as is as legally binding, as, my signature. If I do not agree to the above I will click the “Decline” button.