Lost or Stolen MasterMoney™ Debit Cards
If you think that your card and/or code has been lost or stolen, call toll free (866) 592-7628 during our normal business hours.
After hours call toll-free (800) 264-5578. This number is also available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Our International Hot Card phone number is (412) 552-2687. This number is also available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Traveling Internationally with Your MasterMoney Debit Card
You can use your debit card while traveling outside the United States. Please refer to the following tips:
- Before you leave, please let us know when and where you’re traveling, as well as the card(s) you’ll be taking with you. Add your travel plan by calling us at (866) 592-7628 during normal business hours.
- Use your debit card to make purchases worldwide at participating retailers and service providers. If you have any difficulty using a foreign ATM, use your debit card to get an over-the-counter cash disbursement at a local financial institution.
For assistance while traveling, after normal business hours, you can call (412) 552-2698 toll-free from foreign countries.