
Date: Thursday, December 19, 2019

To: Members of the Polish National Credit Union

From: Gary Ziemba, Clerk of the Board of Directors

Subject: Report of the Nominating Committee
Names & Summary Data for Lobby Posting

As is required in Article XII, Section 2 (Nomination Procedure) of the Polish National Credit Union’s Amended and Restated Bylaws, a report of the nominating committee has been submitted (to the Clerk). Accordingly, the Clerk provides this written notice to members of the following individuals having been nominated by the nominating committee for election to the board at the 2020 Annual Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 15, 2020.

Nominees for Re-Election:

William Jebb: Director- 4 years. Police Chief, City of Chicopee

Stanley Matras: Director- 8 years. Owner of Computer Link (computer services & support, Project Manager for Cebula Electronics, Inc.)

John Murphy: Director- 6 years. Currently with AKAL Security, Retired Lieutenant MA State Police

Ralph Slate: Director- 32 years. Retired Owner Slate’s Service Center

Nominee to Fill Vacancy:

James Kelly: President/ CEO- 15 years.

Note: There shall be no nominations from the floor unless for any reason there shall not be a nominee for each office then to be filled. in which case there shall be nominations from the floor only for any such position for which there shall be no nominee. Additional persons may be nominated for elections as a Director by being named in a petition signed by at least 50 members of the Credit Union and filed with the Clerk at least 30 days before the meeting. Details on petition requirements can be obtained from the President.